Release Configuration

In this section you will learn how to set-up TSB for a release.

To make the explanation easier, we will use an example as we go by the different steps.

Item: Air Penny 2 Rosewood SKU: DV1163-100 Link:

1- The first thing we need to do is navigate to the profiles sections and click on "new profile" after that fill in the information, you can click on "generate fake address" to use a test profile:

2- After that navigate to the proxy section, and add your proxies. Pretest your proxies prior to drop. Always make sure your tasks get to "SLEEPING" and no proxy issues or such appear.:

3- Then navigate to the accounts section, and paste your accounts as shown below:

4- Afterwards, you have to check your Account, you can do so by clicking on the play button next to your Account or by clicking Check all in Actions All (We recommend to check your account a day earlier)

5- Wait until your Accounts are Gucci

6- Next up is binding your Account to a Profile, in the same tab, click on bind profiles in the bottom of the screen.

7- Now we’re ready to create tasks. We will create Filler mode tasks first to swap the account's old info with our profiles info. Make sure that "Cleanup Account" is selected. Keep running the filler task until it shows "GUCCI"

8- Now we’re ready to create tasks. We will create Request Module task.

  • Regions: Select the region that you want to run for

  • Style-Color: Put in the SKU that is listed in our Release guides channel

  • Size: You can enter one specific size or "RA" for any available size. You can enter multiple sizes by seperating them with commas. Example: 9,10,11,11.5,12,13,14,15

  • Accounts: You can select all of your accounts by pressing "Select All Accounts" Or by specifically pressing on the check box next to the account.

Easy as that, now you are ready to run TSB on Nike.

Important Setup Tips

Read these tips before setting up your tasks for a release.

General setup Tips (valid for all task modes)

  • Always create new tasks for each drop and never edit the link in your old tasks.

  • The ULTIMATE SAFE RATIO is 1:1:1:1:1:1 (Account/Profile/Proxy/CC/Jig Name/Jig Address)

  • If you need more cards, you can use VCC (virtual credit cards) like Revolut, Privacy, iCard, capital one etc. You can also ask your F&F in order to get more.

  • Use proxies matching the region you are running for in order not to get banned.

  • Test your proxies prior to drop. Make sure your tasks get to SLEEPING and no proxy issues or such appear.

  • Keep a back-up proxy list not to be used, and only inject them to tasks that need new proxies

  • Do not use the same address for multiple accounts, if you don’t have multiple addresses then you have to jig your address carefully to make it look different. You can use the template feature to create multiple jigs.

  • Nike usually does not allow using reshippers.

  • Nike accounts have a maximum of 4 CCs saved on it, so if you use an account with 4 CCs saved previously, the bot will fail to use your CC from the billing profile.

Request Module-Specific Tips

  • Set up your tasks using Style-Colour.

  • For GS Regions[1], you can run Request Module tasks on non-SNKRS FLOW releases. You’ll get a checkout link in the logs to continue checkout manually, though. If you have set up a webhook, you’ll also receive the link to the webhook.

  • Start your tasks 20-30 mins depending on your tasks count. We usually ping when to run or mention it on our release guides so always stay on alert close to release time!

  • Your proxies might work for SNKRS and be banned on and vice versa, as they have different end points.

  • You can run Request Module tasks for restocks.

  • Request Module tasks are not resource intensive in terms or CPU and memory, which means your device will be able to handle hundreds of tasks. if you're runningng more tasks than your PC can handle, start your tasks in batches.

Restock Module Specific Tips

  • Use for backend products (on hold / inactive) and NON_BUYABLE_PRODUCTS and OUT_OF_STOCK products to checkout once they become active.

  • Setup your tasks using Style-Colour.

  • Restock Module tasks will generate cookies automatically when needed.

  • You can keep running Restock Module tasks all day long.

  • It is recommended to run Restock Module tasks using DC proxies if you’re going to leave them running for a long time as they will consume your proxies data while monitoring.

  • 1 or 2 proxies per task should be sufficient for Restock Module tasks.

Filler Module Specific Tips

  • We recommend using it every time you change your profiles or accounts

  • This mode is used to specify preferences, it helps setting account gender / sizes and to swap old account's info to your profile's info

Last updated