
In this guide you will learn how the settings tab works.

Once you navigate to the settings section you will see the following screen

Use the following buttons to Zoom in or out

Use the following button to contact support via a form

Use the following button to export or import everything that can be exported or imported in the bot (Tasks, Accounts, Profiles)

The following field will show your license by clicking on deactivate you will be able to use it on another device

The Success hook field is used to send notifications for checkouts to your discord server, by clicking on "Test" it will send a test notification

The Decline hook field is used to send notifications for Declines to your discord server, by clicking on "Test" it will send a test notification

The Default Nike region is used for the Calendar and is very important that you set up the correct one for the general functionalities of the bot

You can switch between dark and light theme using this switch

Harvester Count changes the amount of (Headless) Browsers that are used for checking accounts and creating sessions. We usually set this between 5-10 depending on your PC Specs. You can increase this is you know your device can handle more than 10 browsers.

Match preferences is usually ticked by default, this feature will let the bot use the account email, First name, last name, and phone number in your shipping/billing info. Whenever you tick off or on this feature, make sure you re bind profiles and run filler tasks. When you untick it the bot will use the email, phone number, name and last name from your profiles.

Shuffle bind is usually unticked by default. When unticked the bot will bind your profiles to your accounts in order, When you check this, it will bind each profile to an account randomly (without doing it in order). Also, make sure to bind profiles again and run filler tasks after you tick or untick this option.

IMAP Settings

What is IMAP in settings?

Allows us to read the email from nike with the code and places it into account when getting it to gucci

Whats the point?

Many providers forward all emails to one "Master" email. So the master email will be what you will put into the settings below

Do i need to read this?

Only do this if you are ADDING accounts to TSB that do not have any presaved sessions

How to use the IMAP setting in TSB

1 line PER email account.

GMAIL - Follow steps below to create app password Guide Here



ZOHO - -



After entering your credentials in settings hit "Start IMAP Service" then start your accounts. IT WILL SLOWLY GET TO GUCCI depending on the email response.

After you are done checking your accounts hit "STOP IMAP Service"

Last updated