
In this guide you will learn how to set-up profiles.

Once you navigate to the profile section you will see the following screen

Use import/export buttons to import or export your profiles

To create a new profile click on

Then this screen will show up

Fill in everything with your personal details, you can use "Generate fake address" for testing purposes. The State field must be filled as the ones listed on the "States" page.

TSB will verify and give you a score for your profile based on Nike's Algorithm, to do that you have to have an account bound to your profile (Check Accounts Tab) and then click on VALIDATE ALL It's recommended to have a profile score above 80.


The template is a facilitated way to create multiple profiles using 1 unique address. In botting terms, this is called "j1gging". You are required to have multiple credit cards in order to create multiple profiles using the template. (It is recommended to use a unique card for each profile) Once you hit the "New Template" button you will see the following screen

Template Name

Give a name to your template. (can be anything)

Email & Phone

Leave these empty to use your Nike account's info.

Cards Field

Here is where you should paste your cards. Every card should be on a line using the following format: Cardnumber:expirymonth/expiryyear:CVV Example: 4111111111111111:06/2023:123

First Name & Last Name

Leave these empty to use your Nike account's info.

Address 1 & Address 2

Enter your address here and do your j1gs.

To create variations of a specific word just write them between brackets []. You can use "@" to use a random character and "$" to use a random number. Example:

This will create profiles with addresses that each one has either Road or RD or Roads in address 1

Other details

Fill in the rest of the fields with the rest of the details. The State field must be filled as the ones listed in the "States" page.

Once you are done Click "Create New Template" and head back to the main menu for profiles.

In main menu for profiles you will see the template with 3 options either to edit, delete, and 3 dots icon to see more options. To create your profiles click the 3 dots then click "Generate profiles"

You will see the following menu pop out

Insert the number of profiles you want to create using this template, alternatively, you can type ratio to create a specific number of profiles per credit card. For example: If you insert 1:1 the bot will create 1 profile for each card inserted in the template. If you have 3 cards the bot will create 3 profiles. If you insert 1:5 the bot will create 5 profiles for each card inserted in the template. if you have 3 cards the bot will create 15 profiles. Once done inserting the ratio, click "Generate". You will see your profiles in the profiles menu. You can re-use the template to regenerate new j1gs as many times as you want, just delete the old profiles and generate them again. It is always recommended to create 1 profile per card for US, EU and JP regions.

Last updated